Welcome to my Notion - everything you read here is a work in progress. I might just be in here writing and editing this very moment. If you would like to learn more about me: head over to kaddierothe.com - or follow me on instagram or tik tok.

The Unsettling Project

Two years ago I decided to toss or donate everything I owned and folded my baggage into a cabin-sized suitcase. I wanted to move everywhere at least once. After five years of being the directress of Berlin’s rebel creative agency goalgirls, I decided to end my vapid, Gatekeeping Girlboss era. I entered my Unsettled Girl era. It took a global pandemic lockdown for me to realise that leading a company is not the same as having a personality. I know my way of being won’t be enough if I don’t know how to be my own good company. That’s when I started ‘The Unsettling Project’. All I want is to make a home. Within myself. Here you can see inside my head and follow my journey as I take these bold and imperfect steps into unsettling chaos.

I have never owned so little and yet felt so rich in my life. Everything I own fits into a cabin sized suitcase and still - when **I decided to own nothing, I started to own everything.Most of all: I was in control of the way I would experience life.I am painfully aware that I did nothing to deserve this ticket for a journey towards liberating epiphanies. I am grateful for every experience. And I make sure to show it every day.


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The Unsettled Travel Diary


Read the drafts for chapters of my travel diary ‘The Girl Unsettled’. They’re raw and unedited collections of descriptions of how these places made me feel. I don’t have a clue about hotspots, boutique hotels and hip local restos but I can tell you about feels and experiences without itineraries. This is not a travel guide, this is a travel diary of an unsettled journey to where the waves begin. A journey I’ll continue until I can see sunsets with my eyes closed.


‘Things I’ve learnt so far’


A collection of things that I’m learning along the way. About myself, radical vulnerability, feelings and love. You can read them here:


Short Stories


Magically real stories. Moods and feels captured in a genre I call magical minimalism. Short stories about antifragility and radical vulnerability or other essays and formless texts collected to make people feel things.

Read Stories

The Novel ‘Kondo Chaos’


Isn’t it curious? The human need for a tidy life? Mary Kondo has made an immensely profitable empire of tossing nostalgia and replacing it with beige objects. She’s feeding a desire for perfect control to a generation of humans that are screaming for healthy boundaries. It’s the defeat of chaos caused by a privileged life of abundance. Hedi, is reverse-marykondoing Chaos into her life.

Read Exposé

The Visual Diary | @kaddierothe

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About Her

The Travel Diary